Tele-Celebs share their views on same-sex marriage!

Love is love, and it is beyond any caste, creed, religion or geographical locations. That the list should also include gender is what many people believe in, and they are also stressing on and fighting for legalising same-sex marriage. While the case is being heard at the Supreme Court by a constitution comprising five judges, the Bar Council Of India has reportedly passed a resolution requesting the court to let Parliament take a call on the matter. Celebs on how they look at same-sex marriages being accepted socially and legally in India. They also talk about how recent films and OTT shows have tracks on same-sex relationships and how it impacts our society.

Akashdeep Sabir : This is not an easy question to answer. Whilst the courts and the law of the land have opened up to LGBT etc, the acceptance from one and all will take time to filter through to the lowest common denominator. It’s been decades of rejection and being ridiculed as abnormal that has made the acceptance take so much time. Same-sex marriages cannot be stopped as it’s a personal choice and there is a limit to moral policing or the law telling us what to do within our closest and personal spaces. This process of acceptance will also be slow but now since the law is in place it has to get accepted by one and all albeit with a slow acceptance from the entire community. Of late a few films and the OTT space are being open to having such tracks in their content and this will help the acceptance to a great deal. Without it being shown as normal in our films and OTT, the process of acceptance or even for couples coming out of the closet has already started. Even though it is much harder as it’s been shunned over decades. The reform has started, but in a country where illiteracy is so high, it’s going to take time.

Sheeba Akashdeep : Same-sex marriage is a simple human and a civil right for couples who wish to legally adopt children or own property etc. I feel that with education and exposure, today’s kids are much more liberal and civilised. I think the fundamental behaviour on anything is very wrong and everybody should be given the right to live as per his or her wish. Recent OTT shows are definitely normalising same-sex relationships and marriages which is a good thing and people tend to look up to film and TV as support systems. As long as you are within the legal, civil and human framework of life, what a person’s personal choice is should not matter to any extreme groups. You do you and let me do me, so just live and let live without harming anyone and enjoy everybody’s uniqueness. We should celebrate everybody the way they are. Definition of marriage is where two people love each other and want to live with each other. There is no particular hearsay that it has to be between people of particular gender. If two women, two men, a man or women want to be together and they want to legalise their union, they should be given full rights and the right to equality and blessings of society.

Sneha Jain : I appreciate that the government has legalised it. There are lots of people who have accepted it as well. We should accept the person as he or she is. They are created like that and there is nothing wrong in it. Each and everyone has their own right and there is no harm in being attracted to the same sex. They have the right to love someone and have a family. It’s a good step. There are places where people don’t accept it and even in Mumbai I have heard people saying that it feels so weird. It must be different for us but everyone is created in a different manner and we should accept the person. It’s very beautiful when you see those couples. A very close friend of mine is into the same sex and whenever I adore them. They are so purely in love and don’t take a chance to risk their relationship and lose their partner. For us it’s very easy to get a partner but for them, they think they will find difficulty in getting someone. A heterogeneous person doesn’t fear losing love as they have options. Having the sense of losing someone is very important as well as painful in a relationship and that makes the relationship strong too. I support same-sex relationships. It’s beautiful… A girl being a girl can understand what her girl partner wants. The main point is that such people connect with each other so well. If two girls or boys are in a relationship and get married then it’s the most beautiful thing. I appreciate it. I have watched a lot of OTT content that had same-sex relationships. They face so many problems in society and within their families. Making awareness through OTT and films is very good as it makes people easy to understand. If elders and society keeps on seeing such things, they will get used to it and will understand and accept it. OTT and films can have a good impact on our society and would help to bring confidence to those people who are scared to come out. We should accept anything that has love. Love is Love, after all.