Fox star studios on the current disagreement between blingg unplugged and the bhanot family

Fox Star Studios asserts that though it is extremely proud of its film Neerja and holds the Bhanot family in great esteem, the fact is that the Studio does not have any contractual obligations towards the Bhanot family as the life rights and permissions were obtained by Blingg Unplugged from the Late Neerja Bhanot’s family long before Fox Star Studios came onboard to produce the film. Fox Star Studios adds that it has been duly honouring its contractual obligations towards Blingg Unplugged. “It’s unfortunate that Blingg and Bhanot family have not been able to resolve their disagreements. As the life story of Neerja Bhanot inspired the nation and the movie created history,besides memories that we deeply cherish, memories that will last forever, we at Fox Studios hope for quick resolution to the ongoing issue, say Fox Star Studios.”