Review : Mystery of the Tattoo : A decent murder mystery suspense thriller!

In modern times getting tattooed is considered fashionable. Many youngsters get inked to have some style statement. In the crime world too many seem to be fond of anything related to tattoo. But in a movie #MysteryoftheTattoo, a #MurderMystery case gets solved due to expertise of an artist proficient in understanding the language of tattoo. This murder mystery shows promise in the beginning but losses steam after a while. A novel idea isn’t cashed in to make it into an engaging suspense murder mystery. Still it manages to hold the ground.

Aatmika (Daisy Shah) is s student of an art class in London and has an ability to read the mysterious tattoo art. Earlier ChitraDevi (Ameesha Patel), a painter, gets killed in a tragic accident. Her last painting is unfinished and Aatmika finishes it using her ability to decipher hidden meaning in the art. But some unknown power, SaYa, starts haunting her and tries to kill her. Barrister Vikrant (Rohit Raaj) is her neighbour and she instantly likes him and both fall for each other. The Metropolitan Police with the help of Aatmika keeps trying to solve the multiple murders which are interconnected with tattoos engraved on them. Will Aatmika be able to evade attacks on her from the invisible powers? Well, the rest forms the crux of the story.

Writer-director Kalaiarasi Sathappan shows promise in the beginning but oloses plot along the way. He is unable to make it into an engaging thriller. The screenplay is cliched and the dialogues are okay. The production values are of high standards and cinematography is good and explores the beauty of London very well. Music is noteworthy and the title song and Sun Jara are melodious. Lead actor Daisy Shah impresses with her ease in front of the camera. She looks beautiful and has scored high in performance department. Though her character is impacted by half baked writing she manages to offer convincing portrayal of Aatmika. Debutant Rohit Raaj is okay and has a good screen presence. Rest of the cast including, Ameesha Latel, Manoj Joshi, Arjun Raampal deliver fine performances despite limited screen time.

Mystery of the Tattoo is a decent murder mystery suspense thriller.

Rating : ***