Monika Singh

“Favouritism unfortunately still exists in the entertainment industry” says Monika Singh!

Actress Monika Singh who was last seen in #TulsiDhaamKeLadduGopal, says that unfortunately good looks are important to get casting calls in the #industry. The actress adds that even if you are talented, your looks are given equal importance.
“In the entertainment industry, it’s true that good looks are often considered an important criterion, even though many talented actors rely solely on their skills and abilities. While appearance can initially attract attention, it is the talent, dedication, and hard work of an actor that ultimately sustains their success in the industry. Talent should always be valued and recognized alongside physical appearance,” she says.
She adds, “The debate between looks versus talent has been ongoing for years. While looks may open doors initially, it is talent that truly sustains a performer’s career in the long run. Additionally, luck does play a significant role in the opportunities one receives in the industry. Sometimes, being at the right place at the right time or having a stroke of luck can make a difference in an individual’s career trajectory. However, talent and perseverance are crucial in capitalizing on these opportunities.”
Meanwhile, she adds that there is a lot of competition today, despite so many platforms.
“Despite the increase in the number of platforms in the entertainment industry, the competition remains fierce. With more avenues for content creation and talent showcase, the industry has become even more competitive. To succeed in such a cutthroat environment, individuals need to continuously hone their skills, stay updated with industry trends, and showcase their unique talents to stand out from the crowd,” she says.
She adds, “Favouritism unfortunately still exists in the entertainment industry, despite efforts to promote fairness and equality. In an industry where relationships and connections play a significant role, instances of favouritism can occur. It is essential for the industry to strive towards meritocracy and equal opportunities for all individuals based on their talent and hard work rather than personal biases.”
She says that at times, you even end up losing projects. “Losing an opportunity can be tough, but it’s all about how you handle the situation. When I lost an opportunity, actually multiple, in the past, I allowed myself to feel disappointed for a bit, but then I focused on learning from the experience. I used it as motivation to improve my skills, broaden my network, and keep pursuing my goals. It’s essential to stay positive, resilient, and keep moving forward despite setbacks. it’s important to stay positive, learn from the experience, and keep persevering. Handling such situations with grace, resilience, and a growth mindset can lead to new opportunities and personal growth in the long run,” she says.
By Keerti Kadam