Tejaswini Pandit’s photo tribute to the ‘divine’ deeds of the clean-up workers

Every year, actress Tejaswini Pandit gives some social message through her Navratri special photoshoot. This year she is paying tribute to the Corona Warriors from her Photo Illustrations.  Tejaswini Pandit paid homage to the doctors on the first day of Navratri and to the police on the second day. On the third day of Navratri, she paid homage to all the clean up workers.
‘Ranaragini’, a form of Durga, who is standing on the road with a broom in her hand, is clearly seen in her photo. Tejaswini Pandit says about the photoshoot of the third day, “Goddess Durga had killed the demon with her powerful trident. If you want to get rid of the corona-like demon, then hygiene and sanitation are more important. It is because of their divine deeds that we can see cleanliness in every street, village, pada, city.”
Tejaswini Pandit further says, “You have heard since childhood, where there is cleanliness there’s godliness. That is where Lakshmi dwells. And 365 days a year, the cleaners do the cleaning day in and day out. I bow to their dedication and divine quality through this photoshoot.” Actress Tejaswini Pandit’s Navratri Special Illustration photo suppresses the ‘divine’ deeds of the cleaners.
Fans of actress Tejaswini Pandit are looking forward to this ingenious photoshoot of hers every year.  And the tribute that is currently flowing to the Corona warriors is very much to the liking of the fans.
Every year, actress Tejaswini Pandit gives some social message through her Navratri special photoshoot.  This year she is paying tribute to the Corona Warriors from her Photo Illustration.  Tejaswini Pandit paid homage to the doctors on the first day of Navratri and to the police on the second day. On the third day of Navratri, she paid homage to all the cleaners.

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