Our Friend

Review : Celebrating friendships : ‘Our Friend’!

Friendships have always been glorified in indian films. That emotion always touches the hearts of the audiences all over the globe. Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite has beautifully used this emotion in her film ‘Our Friend’. It is based on a true story and takes everyone on a difficult ride called Cancer. Many have experienced, directly or indirectly, this devastating terminal illness’ wrath on human body. And it has been sensitively portrayed in this film as one of the principle characters catches it. The director uses flashbacks and the film goes back and forth, sometimes confusing the audiences. The impact of cancer on the family of the patient is well portrayed, without dramatising it, and the storytelling is simple but effective without expecting sympathy. In our country, the friends are ready to die for each other and friendships are above all other relationships, in some cases. In a country like America, where people are expected to be more practical and selfish, this story will open the eyes of others that not everyone in that country lives only for himself or herself. In a scene where the ‘friend’ is confronted by his girlfriend for choosing friendship over love or courtship, saying, ‘They have others to look after the patient, why you?’, definitely makes your heart heavy.

Matt Teague (Casey Affleck) lives with his family, wife Nicole (Dakota Johnson), two lovely daughters, Molly (Isabella Kai Rice) and younger one Evie (Violet McGraw) in a small town in Alabama, Fairhope. He is a journalist covering stories around the globe which keeps him away from his family for longer periods. But he never cheats on his wife even when someone tries to woo him. Nicole is a theatre artiste, full of life. When she is declared C+ he decides to take a break and look after his wife and the family. In fact there’s Dane (Jason Siegel) who happens to be Nicole’s college friend who works as a manager at a small sporting goods store and desires to be a stand up comedian. He gets disturbed when his girlfriend is no more interested in him and starts lacking ambition. He comes to know of Nicole’s illness and volunteers to look after the Teague family. And the film revolves around these three protagonist’s lives. All three of them are fighting different battles despite staying under one roof. But all of them take immense care of two little girls very tenderly who watch their mother slowly slip away. The selflessness in the friendship is endearing.
Since the film is based on true events it engages viewers’ attention a little extra. The internal conflicts between the characters are well displayed. Husband-wife, lover-girlfriend, father-daughter relationships are delicately handled and full credit goes to the director for that. In fact Nicole’s grief and the grit not to show it to the world is painful to watch. Jason Siegel as Dane wins the hearts of everyone with his convincing vulnerability. The movie underlines the need to rise above the depression and mental loneliness. Casey Affleck has underplayed his character beautifully in contrast to Dakota Johnson’s easy going, butterfly like role. Ms Johnson bring forth both the sides, before and after terminal illness, of the character’s personality, effortlessly. The twist in the Matt and Nicole’s life adds to the intricacies in their relationship and the director has not let it go overboard. Both the little girls are very good. The director has successfully able to knit the friendship bonds in the lead characters in happy as well as heavier moments.
‘Our Friend’ celebrates friendship and showcases the importance of true friends.

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