Counselling Psychologist and Life Coach, Nidhi Sharma is doing some great work during Covid crisis!

In this time of uncertainty Counselling Psychologist and Life Coach, #NidhiSharma is doing some great work. On asking about her work she says,” I have had the good fortune of supporting Front line workers through the first wave of Covid through counselling and motivational talks for them. I have worked with clients in the last year who were bogged down with the pandemic and suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I continue to work, through corporates supporting Covid survivors.“

Nidhi has been practising as a therapist since 2011 she says, “After my certification as a hypnotherapist, I did my Life coaching certification in 2016, followed by my Master’s in Psychology. It’s been a 10-year journey in the domain of mental, emotional well-being and growth mindset.” So how will you define the term Life Coach? “A life coach is a well-being professional who works and supports clients to make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfilment and take their life from Good to Great. The aim or objective of a Life coach or Life coaching is growth and progress to achieve a defined goal or objectives”.

Does Nidhi also share why one needs a Life Coach? “The need for a life coach is growth & Being better than before to take life from Good to Great. When an individual wants to take themselves a notch or 2 higher and bring a significant change in any aspect of their life, be it health, finance, relationship, career, personal development etc. working with a life coach can help achieve that objective.”

Speaking about her inspiration Nidhi shares,” My inspiration is my belief, that each one of us is meant for greatness. Being good is not good enough unless we push our limits to be our best. That’s why I live with the mantra “taking life from Good to Great. If I have to pin it on a living being, it is my mother, her undying spirit to take on any challenge with gusto and zeal is fascinating. And when I reflect, I have always been drawn to people who have pushed their envelope like, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Mohammad Ali, Bethany Hamilton, Lord Krishna, Chanakya to name a few.”

In this unprecedented time, people are suffering mentally also so how can they keep themselves positive? “The only way to deal with this situation is to be mindful; living in the present, which can be achieved through deep-breathing at least 5 times a day, practising gratitude daily and listening to some soothing music. Over and above this getting in some exercise daily; be it yoga or a walk, reducing the intake of news and social media & eating healthy also helps in creating a healthy body that supports a healthy mind.”


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