In pandemic times Chandni Soni helps orphanage in Himachal Pradesh!

#ChandniSoni recently reunited with her father after three long years. The producer, who co-produced web series Tandoor, traveled to her hometown #Sundernagar, #HimachalPradesh, to meet him, and while she is spending some quality time there, she grabbed the opportunity to help an orphanage in the district.

The pandemic has been tough on everyone, and Chandni wanted to do her bit for the kids at the Divya Manav Jyoti Ananthalya in Mandi. She visited them along with her husband and daughter with some essential grocery items.

“Our country is going through a difficult time, and I just wanted to do my bit in whatever way I could. So when I visited my father, I realised there wouldn’t be any better time than now to do what I have been wanting to do,” she said.

“I went to the organization and met Mr. Satya Prakash, who has been taking care of it for the past 38 years. Masks and sanitisers have become an essential now, so I donated that along with some grocery items,” she added.

Chandni also urged others to help in whatever way they can and said, “In times like this, there is no less or more, but it should be done with your whole heart. I urge people to come out and help in whatever capacity they can. Every help counts, so don’t stop yourself and go ahead and do your bit.”