The second wave of Covid delays release of Chandni Soni’s we b series ‘Tandoor’!

#ChandniSoni’s production #Tandoor starring #TanujVirwani and #RashamiDesai has been the talk of the town for quite some time now. The excitement went up when the series was supposed to release around February or March this year but to everyone’s dismay, it got delayed.

Talking about it Chandni adds, “Tandoor was completed last year in November. While we were looking forward to getting it released during Holi and we were all prepped up but then we were hit by the second wave. There are a lot of factors that we have to keep in consideration before the release. I am closely working with the platform and planning an announcement soon. I can assure you the wait is going to be worth it. As a responsible citizen adhering to norms is the most important thing and safety of my cast and crew is of utmost importance.”

Tandoor will be released in Ullu app. Praising Tanuj and Rashami’s performance and how much they look good together, Chandni says that their collaboration drew a lot of interest.

“People started calling them #Tarash. This hashtag started doing rounds on social media and yes the working chemistry between them is superb. I can foresee them in many more projects. In fact #Tarash topped the Instagram trend for a few days and as a producer I feel proud to have introduced this wonderful pair,” he adds.

The title of the film also got a lot of attention. “When we say the word tandoor or think about tandoor we think about food. The idea was to surprise everyone with a title like this when the story is something else. However, the title has significance and it is integral to the plot,” she explains

As someone who believes in doing things to the T, Chandni puts in her 100% to everything she does. And in times like these, she makes sure every norm is followed. “I’m not here to just make and release the show. I am here to work hard on pre and post production to ensure when the final product hits the screen I am remembered for the work I have contributed to Indian film association.