ICPA Health Products Ltd donates Electrosurgical Unit to KEM Hospital!

#ICPAHealthProductsLtd (ICPA), India’s leading pharma company in the oral healthcare segment, as part of its CSR activity has donated an electrosurgical unit to #KEMHospital for its Gastrointestinal (GI) department. The unit was inaugurated last week by Mr Rohit Mehta, Founder & Managing Director of ICPA Health Products in the presence of the Hospital authorities. An electrosurgical unit uses high-frequency (HF) electrical currents to cut or coagulate tissue during surgery and is operated using a specific control. KEM Hospital’s Gastrointestinal Department is located on the 2nd floor of its new administrative building and has dedicated wards for male and female patients.

In the past, ICPA has donated four 2-D echo machines to KEM Hospital for its cardiac and ophthalmic departments. Availability of these machines has enabled the treatment of several patients at the hospital.

“KEM is one of India’s leading hospitals that provides fine clinical services, and has highly qualified and committed doctors. It is one of the most trusted institutions in the world and patients come here to treat themselves from across the country. Electrosurgical units are indispensable devices for the GI departments in any modern healthcare facilities. We would like to thank Sahyog Trust that offers accommodation to relatives of outstation patients at KEMH. We hope that our small contribution will make a difference to people’s lives,” says Mr Rohit Mehta, Founder and Managing Director, ICPA.

ICPA supports the education of students through the Ramkrishna Vivekanand Charitable Trust up to their Graduation and provides medical aid to the needy in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, where it has its manufacturing facility. The company also offers marginalised, young children with access to computers through Kuntunath Foundation and imparts them with the basic IT knowledge and skills. The company has empowered close to 100 students over the last four years through several such initiatives. It also has undertaken water-harvesting projects in the region which has benefitted over 8 schools with access to clean water.