Over the last few years Dipna Patel’s relationship with food has gradually improved!

#DipnaPatel is not really a foodie. The #Shubharambh actor eats to survive. However, over the last few years her relationship with food has gradually improved, especially when she started modelling and also took part in beauty pageants.

“That’s when I started focusing on eating healthy, cutting down on sweets etc. After the pageants I’ve tried to follow a balanced meal. I find home-cooked food best, roti, sabzi, dal, and salad. I have not really experimented much with food earlier,” she says.

Last year the model-actor went home and stayed there for 10 months straight after a long time. “Mummy used to make different things and somehow I also got a bit interested in cooking. Till January 2021, I’ve never tried making anything because mom was there, but that changed when I helped her during my stay at home. So, when I came back to Mumbai in January I started cooking basic breakfast like poha, upma, ready dosa, pancakes. Then I slowly moved to making sabzis, chapattis etc. We are dependent on our cook and maid and suddenly if everything is closed and lockdown happens like it did, we have to be independent and learn what we’ve never done before and get out of our comfort zones. That is why I started learning basic things. During weekends I’ve started exploring and ordering different kinds of cuisines,” she shares.

There is one ritual that Dipna follows every time she finishes her food. “I say a gratitude prayer in my mind. Since school time it’s been a habit… I usually eat less because my appetite is not much and also don’t like wasting food. So, I always make sure that I take less food on my plate and if required then take a second serving,” she adds.

Celebs these days talk about good eating habits and even endorse sugarfree food and beverages. Are you also one of them? “I always put a little sugar in my tea and coffee but I don’t completely avoid it. If I’ve a big bar of chocolate or halwa in my refrigerator, I will probably have one or two pieces of the chocolate or a few spoons of halwa a day. My chocolate lasts from 1 week to 10 days, and the halwa for 4 – 5 days. I will never finish it in one go… I feel one should not completely cut off. It always has to be a slow transition. Suddenly you feel that today I’ll lose 15 kgs, that never happens. You have to prepare your mind first, even before you take action As we tend to give up when we push too much. It’s important to make that gradual and consistent shift that lasts to be fit.,” explains the actor.

Dipna prefers ‘Ghar ka khana’ any day. “Whenever I go to Baroda, mom will ask if I would like to go out to eat and I’ll be like I don’t want to go anywhere, I just want to eat home-cooked food. I don’t order from outside when I am home, but in Mumbai, I have to order outside food at times out of necessity. The best thing is that I have portion control, so if I eat anything which is full of calories I’ll share it with a friend and something like that so I don’t have to stress about calories. I’m regular with my yoga and dance. That also helps,” she ends.