Tele-Celebs on what makes their hearts happy and healthy!

Among many important days celebrated across the globe is World Heart Day. The day marked to recognise the importance of a healthy heart is September 29. World Heart Day spreads awareness around various cardiovascular diseases and related health ailments. It also makes us cautious as to how and why neglecting any health issues related to our heart can be dangerous and only the combination of a happy inside and the right lifestyle can keep the heart healthy. Tele-Celebrities like #PrateikChaudhary, #DelnaazIrani, #SnehaNamnandi, #HarsshASingh, #RaginiNandwani, #MunishaKhatwani agree with the same and share what makes their heart happy and urge everyone to listen to their heart. Read on:

Prateik Chaudhary : My work and my family’s good health are the only things right now which make my heart really happy. Happiness and peace are very important assets not in everyone’s life. Money, success, fame, everything is a waste, if one’s not happy or at peace. I am really working hard to achieve my goals without a single break. I start my day early, around 4:30-5 am, finish my acting riyaaz, then I workout, have healthy food and go off to shoot. I also go for a run on days I feel like it. Spending time with my family, being with them is my daily dose of happiness. This is my daily routine for the last couple of years to achieve my goals and to make my family and myself proud and happy, and fulfill all their dreams.
Delnaaz Irani : The whole thought of being happy, having peace of mind, has always been my mantra in life. Be it whatever the situation I am in, I have always given importance to peace of mind. It is really important and I have learnt it the hard way in life. I find happiness in the smallest of things like picking up the newspaper every morning and reading it while sipping a hot cup of tea, making Manoj*, who is our help, smile by praising his culinary skills, going out for pani puri across the street with Percy (Karkaria; DJ and Delnaz’s partner), pretty flowers in the vase adding colour to our living space, small prayer for everything good in life. Anything that gives me complete stress free moments and peace of mind makes me smile from my heart. We should not be only running after things which are not even in our hands. We should invest our time and energy on things that make us happy. Real joys and acts of kinds are the things that keep my heart happy and healthy.

Sneha Namnandi : My only goal in life is to be happy. When someone asks me what I wish to be I always tell them that I want to be happy. I am a spontaneous and organic person. Whatever comes to my heart I instantly do it no matter what until and unless it doesn’t hurt or harm someone. I am a very enthusiastic and excited person. Small things make me happy. Coffee and my dogs make me happier. Being calm and composed is the key. Anger and frustration are going to only pull you down. Rather be happy and float

Harssh A singh : On World Heart Day, it makes me happy to see the worst of the pandemic slowly getting over and see people revive their lives and work. So happy to hear that the theatres are open next month and films will start releasing. Happiness and peace is very important, though I’ve been reading a lot of Buddhist literature, and I have come to believe that happiness has to be balanced with moments of struggle or you would not appreciate happiness at all. So happiness and peace in life must be thoroughly enjoyed so that you can be ready to face disappointments when and if they come. For happiness and peace surround yourself with people you love, like friends, family, mentors, partner, children, and avoid negativity. So, I make sure that I meet my close friends regularly, have a good laugh with them. I spend quality time with my family and most importantly I pray and meditate every day. It keeps me happy, peaceful and grateful for all that I have.

Ragini Nandwani : I’m an animal lover, so being around them always makes me happy. I try and make efforts to take care of them as much as I can and have been associated with various dog shelters and NGOs, who take care of stray animals.

Munisha Khatwani : Spiritualism is what makes my heart and mind happy. I love doing my sundarkand and Ramayan path. I also love animals like dogs. I just find so much purity in the animals. Whenever I am playing with a dog or like when I meet a dog, I feel extremely happy because their vibrations are pure, especially if it’s a house pet. I really want to achieve a lot more in life. I am doing human service with all my heart in it. I am here to help people and there is no ulterior motive. The value of peace and happiness are all connected with when I see people being happy or when my predictions come true. Bringing a smile to someone else’s face also makes me happy.