Photographer Riya Bajaj feels that more the competition, the more you feel like working hard!

Celebrity photographer #RiyaBajaj says mobile phones cannot replace cameras but it’s good to start off with when you want to grow your brand.

Photography has become very competitive as a profession. What is your opinion?

I think not only photography, I feel every profession nowadays has become very competitive. How you create a trend or you set a benchmark for others makes a difference. More the competition, the more you feel like working hard. It is always good to have a little competition that makes your work much better.

There are too many amateur photographers who are getting into the profession and there are people who are doing photography courses and getting into the business. What is your viewpoint?
A lot of people do formal photography courses and a lot of people learn on the field. I am the kind of person who has learned everything on the field because my father is a fashion photographer. When you are out into a situation where you have to see how to shoot in different lighting conditions, what lenses work the best for you, how to cut and bounce light, how to use lighting techniques in different ways. It’s a very practical thing. The more you experience, the more you work and the more you learn. You should just start shooting and see what works best for you.

Celebrity photoshoots have also become one field of it’s own. Comment
With the growing social media presence now, celebrities also keep needing pictures for their events and upcoming shows, so it’s a very good thing for us as photographers as we keep having requirements. There are more opportunities that have opened for us with the growing need for images and videos for celebrities and actors.

Mobiles have revolutionized the way we click pictures. Everyone is on social media so people click pictures from their mobile instead of cameras. Comment.
Lot of bloggers and brands do use mobile pictures. It is good to start off with as it provides good quality images. But as your brand grows, you should actually use DSLR images because mobiles phones provide jpeg images whereas DSLR has raw images and you can edit better on those images. Mobile phones cannot replace cameras but it’s good to start off with when you want to grow your brand.