Reyen Eyes is happy that people are understanding his album,1628, as a whole!

#MaafKarna and Dard singer #ReyenEyes songs are being appreciated by music lovers, and he feels that his audience shares the same perception as him. He is happy that people are understanding his album, 1628, as a whole. “I was successful in reflecting my thoughts and teenage in my music. The lyrics were appreciated and the different genres made it possible for everyone to have their own favourite song within 1628,” he said.

His songs Maaf Karo and Dard are being appreciated. “Those two are actually my favourites too. I am happy that my audience shares the same perception as me. It’s special to have that,” he said.

He has written, sung and composed all the songs, and it gives him a kick. “I feel a sense of pure artistic achievement to have learned all the tools on my own, to be able to create my songs fully independently. When I listen to my songs, I do give myself a pat for being the only person behind the art I am listening to,” he said.

The first time he approached someone for writing, he was refused. “And I wanted to release my first ever song very soon. The lyrics of my songs were given special compliments by my listeners. So, I wrote the lyrics and I built the confidence forever,” he said.

He is starting to make English songs now. “I am super excited to talk beyond the teenage me before everyone, as I just turned 21 a few days back,” he said.