
Actress Pranitaa Pandit on motherhood and children

Pranitaa and Shivi Pandit have named their daughter Anysha Pandit. Speaking about the name, Pranita says,”I wanted a name which sounds good and also has a good meaning. Anysha means a unique and good soul. There are different meanings in different languages for this name. I also believe the child decides his or her name. Anysha Pandit also rhymes well in our ears and everyone in our family likes it.”

Pranitaa, who is in her second month of motherhood, is having a great time with all the good yet crazy things happening. She says,”Motherhood is a roller coaster ride, full of miracles and madness. It’s a life-changing experience for me. My daily routine is all about taking care of her. Right from feeding her to putting her to sleep. It is extremely tough and monotonous for people like us who are used to go out and meet friends. Thanks to the pandemic, we are locked for quite some time now. I have taken a decision of exclusively breast feeding her and it is very important for the baby also. I have to eat continuously every two hours as I need to be healthy. My diet consists of leafy green vegetables and dry fruits and also a lot of water. I need to constantly binge on food!”

Speaking about her weight gain, Pranitaa says,”Right now I am breastfeeding her so I can’t loose weight, I have gained 15 kilos and am looking forward to losing weight. I have started walking a bit and soon will start doing yoga. I am missing my work, shooting every day and friends. I am hoping that I will be able to be back with a bang in 2021. I will lose weight and also hoping that my child is strong enough to handle my absence for a few hours every day.”

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