Aditi Patankar-Gupta wants to focus on acquiring more understanding of the industries she is passionate about!

Formula racer and #MrsIndiaSingapore #AditiPatankarGupta has a tip for all those running behind success. She said, “Resilience and compassion are becoming the key to own success and fame. While everyone wants to create historical achievements optimistically, the illusionary bubble of all that can come easily needs to be brainstormed.”

“Chasing success is good, but adapting to failure and dealing with competition becomes very important in today’s world. Hunger for more success is unending as we have opportunities pouring in at a vast scale, but the core values to survive would remain the same and one must be ultra-versatile to succeed and define growth as an ambition,” she added.

Aditi is a banker by profession, a pageant coach, a mother of two, and she is also the founder of Mrs India UK, with so much on her plate, time management leads to a productive day. She said, “My theory is to keep it simple and keep it traditional. The information is ever-expanding and fluid, there cannot be a stop zone, but I prefer to take breaks often.”

“I prefer to plan my day, work towards prioritising from most important to least important things. It becomes very important for me to spare time for myself to re-energise, keep time away from all the digital distractions, pick up a book, and read a page if possible. There isn’t any unconventional breakthrough yet I just try to diarise a day and take it one day at a time,” she added.

In the year 2021, she plans to work on her goals and focus on acquiring more understanding of the industries she is passionate about. Divulging more details about it, she said, “I don’t have a specific wishlist as I believe in setting a goal and trying to achieve as much as I can to move in the right direction whether it’s professional or personal goals.”

Aditi also suggested that one should not set boundaries as far as their career is concerned, and added, “One should continue to explore and challenge one’s self. I feel one must be able to cope up with ever changing surroundings, people’s perception and strongly evolve as a leader in any role. At the same time, being with the right mentors and leaders who are visionaries is extremely important in one’s career journey.”