Ajay Kumar Singh, Kunal Goomer and Ameesha Patel

Ajay Kumar Singh says, ‘I have only got bounced cheques from Kunal Goomer and Ameesha Patel’

Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel was recently accused by film producer and businessman Ajay Kumar Singh for not paying back the money she borrowed.  She was recently dragged to court for the same.  Ajay who is currently shooting for his film which is an adaptation of a Spanish film Julia’s Eyes is irked by the situation. He says,” I met the Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel in 2017  in a public function in Ranchi. We had exchanged pleasantries and also spoke for a while. Later in 2018, she called me and asked for money as she needed money. She took 2.5 cr from me. And it was also decided that a 3% interest will be charged every month. However, she failed to pay that interest as her cheques bounced. She has told me she will repay the whole amount in 6 months. But she failed to repay the amount and  then later on she told me she will give me the credit of a producer for her film Desi Magic. I also met her in her Mumbai office along with her associate partner Kunal Goomer and we had tried to work this out but after a while, I lost my patience. I want my money now.”
He also adds,” Both of them, Goomer and Patel, have promised me that they will return the amount with interest but so far, I have only got bounced cheques from the two. She also used to send me pictures with influential people to scare me so I will stop asking for the money. But I am not scared, it’s my money and I have full rights to ask for it.” Ajay also feels the whole situation actually left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. The producer and actor who is getting immense satisfaction in playing the reel cop in the four languages film directed by ace cinematographer Kabir Lal says,”This whole situation taught me to not go out of my way to help others. That’s the biggest lesson and my self-respect has been affected a lot and which is an important asset to my personality.” He ends.

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