Alma Hussein is indebted to Herumb Khot and Nilanjana Purkayasstha’s love, guidance, patience and faith they’ve shown in her!

#AlmaHussein plays the role of Sia in #NilanjanaPurkayasstha and #HerumbKhot’s #DhadkanZindaggiKii (DZK). The actor sounds excited talking about the positive feedback the medical drama and her character are getting. “I was at a mall recently and a young girl in her early teens walked up to me and said that I looked familiar, she couldn’t recognise me because I was wearing a mask. When I removed the mask from a distance, she screamed, ‘Dr Sia Advani, I love you and I want to be a doctor just like you’. That melted my heart. The fact that people have started relating with the character means a lot,” she says.

The show is based on doctors and Alma shares that after being a part of it, she now understands the profession better. “Now I know what they must have gone through in the last two years since the pandemic hit us. The kind of emotion a doctor goes through when they lose a patient or whenever something happens can be very painful. Doctors are also humans and go through tons of emotions, they have their stories, emotions, relationships. We judge them by their success rate, they are truly God sent,” she adds.

Praising showmakers Herumb and Nilanjana, Alma says that she can continue talking about how cool they are. She also mentions sharing a good bond with both of them. “They’ve been guiding and helping me since the beginning. I am indebted to the kind of patience and faith they have shown in me. I feel so lucky to be a part of this show. They are perfect and know every little nuances and small details. Before the shoot started we used to have these zoom meetings with sir and ma’am when they would encourage us,” she adds. Each episode of DZK, unlike any other show, is one hour long. It’s rare on TV and only goes on to say how much the show has connected with the audience. “I have only heard good things since the telecast started… I’ve friends who are total OTT buffs but they’re all glued to this show. Nilanjana ma’am’s screenplay and storytelling is amazing,” she says.

The dialogues in the show use medical terminology as well. Alma shares that she is slowly getting a hang of it. “That was the toughest part. The medical terms and the diagnosis are all real. This being my first ever show and with so much technicality is pretty much a task for me but I am slowly getting used to it. Adhi doctor ban gayi hoon,” she jokes.

Ask about interesting incidents from the set and she replies, “The shoot is like a rollercoaster ride every day. It’s an experience as I am learning about new things and new medical situations. For me, it’s a beautiful memory that I’ll always cherish. I never want it to end. The team is amazing. There are a lot of fun moments and masti happening during the shoot! We’re like family,” she ends.