‘ANNS’ actor Revati Lele opines that today’s audience loves relatable content and characters!

TV and drama come hand-in-hand, says #RevatiLele. The actor, who plays #BansuriParekh in #SonaliJaffar and #AmirJaffar’s #AapkiNazronNeSamjha, sounds elated talking about the positive feedback the show and her role is getting from the audience.

“Sometimes you have to deliver what the audience demands, and in case of television, high drama works best. In case of TRPs, sometimes audience can actually relate to what’s happening on-screen and that’s when they start watching a particular show more adding to the number game. As a team we are happy to be able to keep the viewers engaged with all the twists and turns in the ongoing track in Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha,” she says.

Revati highlights that the “audience loves relatable content and characters”. If they get attached to a certain character or story then that’s “a win-win situation” for sure.

The actor also hints at the fact that the viewers can expect a lot out of Bansuri in coming days. “Every screenplay that we read is different and interesting these days. So I am sure writers have something interesting coming up in a story,” she adds.

The look of a character is important and therefore Revati has always been very particular about it. “Costumes and look play a very important part in television or for that matter in any visual medium. I am playing a character that is 4-5 years elder to me and we had to do multiple look tests to achieve the look that we wanted. And once you achieve the look then half of the job is done. Now you just have to play your part and give 100% in front of the camera to deliver what’s written,” she shares.

There are times that TV shows go overboard with drama. However, some feel that our real life is filled with so much that these shows rightly reflect modern society.

“I don’t agree. Modern society isn’t like this at all. I have always seen so much drama only happening in television shows and not around me. And this trend is on for many years on television but in my hometown Jalgaon, Maharashtra, where I lived my entire childhood and now even in Mumbai, I haven’t seen even one case of this sort. This must be happening somewhere but it doesn’t have anything to do with modern society,” she ends.