Asmita Sharma says, ‘As an actor, you always want to do something different’!

#AsmitaSharma has wooed the audience with her character portrayal of Amma Ji in “#MannKeeAwaazPratigya”. The actress has reprised her role in the second season of the show and talks to us about her character, the show, and working in the new normal. Read on:

How different is your character in season 2 from season 1.
The character which I played in season 1 it was very versatile and colourful, and it is the same in season 2 too. But when the second season started, she had become positive, but now slowly she will go back to being the same old Amma. The audience will slowly get to see her true colour coming out.

How much do you relate to your on-screen character?
My on-screen character is way different than my real life and I love that. As an actor, you always want to do something different, and this character is totally different.

What kind of feedback have you received for your character portrayal?
The audience is happy to see my character again and since the time Amma got into her old character people started loving it more.

The second season went on-air after almost nine years. Were you sure of season two?
No, actually we didn’t even think that, after 9 years ‘…Pratigya’ will start again, though the audience was asking for it. It’s great that we came back a second season and it feels like a blessing getting so much love people again.

Were you expecting the same kind of response for the second season that the first one received?
As I said the audience was asking for Amma to get into her old character, I feel once all the characters start showing their previous traits the story will get much stronger and the second season too will receive the same kind of response as season one.

How is it shooting in the new normal?
Because of the lockdown there were many ups and downs during shooting, but we’re again back on our track and the shooting is going on very smoothly and I hope it continues like this.

Can you talk about your experience of working with Rajan Shahi?
I haven’t worked with him before but had heard a lot about him. I feel he’s great producer and everything is good in this production house, the team how they handle, the coordination with the actors, and how they take care is very commendable and working with them is like an achievement for me.