Both, Shannon K songs. “Retrace” and “Aaja a”, are trending on all the social media!

#ShannonK is elated and humbly over the moon. The reason is a hearty acceptance and appreciation from the people for her two recent tracks “Retrace” and “Aajaa”.

The two songs being completely different, one being a total Bollywood number and the other being a Hollywood track with a social message. Shannon K has always entertained her audience with the variation in singing she offers.

Revealing her happiness the singer says “I am overwhelmed with the response on both the tracks. Both “Retrace” and “Aajaa” are trending on all the social media and music platforms. Good reviews kind of push you to do better. It’s a stepping stone to deliver bigger and better performance in the future” says Shannon.

Retrace song link-
Aajaa song link-