
Brand ambassador Akshay Kumar unveils the new identity of Fortune Oils

In earlier days endorsing a product on television was looked down upon by Bollywood stars. But, to get over probably the financial crisis, millennium star Amitabh Bacchan started doing advetisements which were lapped up by the whole nation. Following his footsteps Shahrukh Khan too started endorsing products, ads of which started appearing on small screen. Now the corporate world is so obsessed with Bollywood celebrities that there’s hardly any product which is not endorsed by Bollywood celebrities. One the most successful actors of modern times, Akshay Kumar too has been doing advertisements left, right and centre.

Fortune, a leading consumer brand has unveiled a brand new identity along with a wide range of product offerings. They have consistently reformed their brand, while engaging with consumers and meeting with their ever evolving needs. To reach out to their consumers digitally, Fortune featured their Brand Ambassador and ace actor Akshay Kumar. With a prime focus on digital amplification, the brand opted to present its new identity across social media platforms in collaboration with the actor Akshay Kumar and many other key influencers. Akshay unveiled the new identity and the wide range of offerings Fortune has apart from oils through an exciting unboxing activity.

In the first phase Fortune revealed the teaser video of Akshay initiating the campaign with a #WhatsInTheBox contest. After generating conversations throughout the country about what’s in the box, Fortune finally revealed its new logo and wide range of offerings under the Fortune umbrella.

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