Danish Alfaaz

Danish Alfaaz feels responsible as a public figure!

Danish Alfaaz says being constantly judged is a part and parcel of being a public figure, and he agrees it can be unfair sometimes. Being a public figure comes with a lot of judgment- says actor, singer, composer, and digital superstar Danish Alfaaz. 

Asked what he thinks about constant judgment made on content creators and influencers “I understand the concept of social media influencers and content creation on social media is fairly new but that doesn’t mean one has the right to be rude and troll us. It is very easy to sit in the comfort of your home, scroll through your Instagram feed and pass judgments but it is difficult to put yourself out there”

Danish states that given all the craziness content creators go through, they still “make it work, so it wouldn’t hurt being just a little considerate sometimes”.

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