Designer Anjali Phougat and a model Sia Parikh to rock the red carpet at Cannes Film festival, France!

#SiaParikh, is all set to become the latest fashion sensation to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Born to Indian parents, she will be donning an attire designed by #AnjaliPhougat as she turns 16. Her family and well-wishers are very excited about the opportunity presented to her. It wasn’t always easy for Sia, as she was often made to feel insecure for being shorter than all the other students in her class. She would often receive derogatory comments on her Instagram pictures which demotivated to an extent, that she didn’t want to post anymore. Her parents and especially her mother encouraged her to never give up on of her dreams. Her father being an IT professional and her mother being a social worker and photographer, have achieved accolades for themselves in spite of their Indian built.

Sia cultivated the mindset that she can work in the fashion industry and her confidence helped her reach where she is today. Anjali Phougat, celebrity stylist founder of the South Asian fashion house Designer Dream Collection supported Sia at every step. Having done many Photoshoots with Sia, she and Sia make a pair destined for success, not just on the big screen but in the fashion world as well. Anjali is a strong propagator of the belief that beauty is not limited to any shape and size. She designed the outfit and jewelry for the red carpet and exclusive jewelry and accessories for the Gala event. This isn’t the first tryst for Anjali as her short film has recently won an award at the Global Short Film Festival held at Cannes.

Sia and Anjali make an infallible pair, as they attempt to give out the message that beauty is not external but internal. Soon, they will be working together on many film projects. Sia Parikh says that in this social media-driven era, many young minds get affected and feel low. Upon being given an opportunity, she would like to spread awareness among teenagers that each and every person is unique and beautiful. The way they look should play no limiting role. Each person is capable of making valuable contributions to themselves and society individually.