Dr. Neelam (Kaajal) reads Ranveer and Sahil Khattar tarot cards!

#DrNeelam (Kaajal), a tarot card reader and life coach, read tarot cards of actors #RanveerSingh and #SahilKhattar from film 83, and some interesting things to say about their work and personal lives.

Ranveer Singh: You feel discomfort and stagnant. The cards suggest that what you want at this time is success and achievements. A mentor or an elder man of significance in your life could guide you and be open to his guidance. Someone’s heart is ruling their head! You are so afraid of being hurt that you remain paralysed in non-action, to have or not to have? To stay or go? Throw caution to the wind – great happiness awaits you if you can trust what you feel and ignore the fear and do it the way you want to. The sun is shining on you. It’s a time of success, joy and happiness. You will feel confident and full of vitality.
Good time of celebration with friends and loved ones. Good news is coming your way very soon. You could lose on a very big opportunity if you don’t control your fears, do not lose out on new possibilities that are presented to you. Do not refuse change when change is vital – feel the fear and release it.
Some outcomes show delay. However, this is time for positive action and not passiveness. Conflicts will end in victory. Keep charging ahead. This is a time of change, travel and success if you stay committed to achieving your goal.

Sahil Khattar: You feel deep down that this is the end of a certain phase of your life. You are taking stock and looking where and how you want to go from here.
New opportunities will present themselves and the choices that you create will change your life dramatically. There is a deep need or want for a change, you may have the desire to transform many areas in your career and love life. Perhaps, your whole lifestyle in general. Your wisdom and experiences will help you in designing a whole new path. Some things you have a shadow self that gives you fears of everything taking a turn for the worst, you need to trust that most of your fears have not materialised. This is an exciting time with lots of potential for fun and wonderful experiences, your confidence will be high, a great time for new possibilities. An unexpected desire will be fulfilled before you express it. Maintain your self-control as that could be your biggest enemy. Believe unconditionally in the people who are a part of your personal and professional life It’s a phase of positive action and rewards. You will be full of self-belief, and feel very empowered and will have the ability to think on your feet. The magician card is an excellent omen for success. It’s time to show everyone exactly what you are made of.