Due to Corona virus threat, no shoots from 19th march

Covid 19 is declared as pandemic as it has affected all industries, including entertainment industry, adversely throughout the world. Back home in india too a lot of states have started taking precautionary measures to fight this deadly virus. Maharashtra state also has declared some preventive measures for the safety of it’s people and Mumbai, which is the capital of Maharashtra and where most of the shoots from the entertainment industry happen, is seriou;y following them. Major bodies who represent entertainment industry met to decide the fate of it’s members and decided that post Wednesday 18 March all shoots of TV serials, films and digital formats will be shut owing to corona virus pandemonium.

So no shoots from Thursday 19th March 2020. This joint decision was taken this Sunday by 5 bodies of entertainment world and their heads. Bodies like IMPPA, WIPPA, IFTDA and FWICE were present and this would be implemented by Wednesday and is applicable till 31 st March. In complying with the the initiatives by govt of India, and in overall security of the nation this decision was taken in the interest of all.

The decision was taken with following people from the industry, Ashok Pandit – filmmaker and President directors association, J D Majhitia, TV producer and IFTPC Vice President representing all producers TP Agarwal – President IMPPA( Indian motion pictures producers association), Ashok Dubey – general secretary FWICE (federation western India cine employees).

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