Flautist Paras Nath’s musical tribute to Police personnel

Paras Nath, flautist from Banaras Gharana would like to sincerely commend all the police officers for the hard work they are doing at this very difficult time of a global pandemic. Globally renowned flautist Paras Nath will pay a musical tribute to the all the corona frontline warriors for their selfless act of valour and with the good thought reinstating and instilling the spirit of patriotism by playing the national anthem with the pious musical instrument.
Paras Nath says “My musical tribute is to express my salutation, appreciation and gratitude to police officers for their concerted effort and endeavors in maintaining the stability and order of Maharashtra, especially working in a risky environment. They have demonstrated high degree of bravery in executing the duties. You have my full respect and support for all that you are doing. Thank you very much”

Nath beautiful tribute serves as a motivation to fight the corona pandemic. Through this tribute Paras Nath requests everyone to battle this pandemic together. He performed the National Anthem at Western Sector HQ, CRPF CGO Complex, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai.

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