French hair, makeup expert, Florian Hurel wants to go to Cannes every year!

When asked what he loves the most about the festival’s iconic red carpet looks #French hair, #MakeupExpert, #FlorianHurel
says, “Most of the looks are chic and cinema oriented completely the way I like them to be. I appreciate most of the looks and they inspire me for further red carpet appearances as well.”

While many struggle to reach the epitome of style, the mecca of glamour; the extravagant red carpet at the Cannes film festival, French hair and make up stylist Florian Hurel considers himself lucky to have started his career there, years back!

“For a French hair makeup artist, it’s a dream to go to Cannes and work there for 15 days. One of my biggest job achievements while I was 18 and had three years of experience, was to go to the Cannes festival as a part of an artist team. We did the hair and makeup for many cinema influencers, directors and producers,” he says.

This year too, the hair and makeup artist is there with actress Tammanah. “The difference today is that I am going by myself as an independent freelancer. There are no big firms to send me to the Cannes festival. It’s an artist wanting me to create a look for them at Cannes,” he says.

He says that he would love to come back every year, like he has been doing in the past. “I would want to style any artist and be a part of the festival. It’s fun and very interesting to create looks for a red carpet such as Cannes,” he says.

French hair, makeup expert, Florian Hurel adds, “There are no bad looks. I love the fact that people may or may not like your look. But it’s all okay as long as they are talking about it.”