Fresh status by American review aggregator, Rotten Tomatoes, to ‘Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl’

Rotten Tomatoes, the renowned American review aggregator website for films and TV, has given Bollywood film Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl starring Janhvi Kapoor and Pankaj Tripathi a 100% Fresh status. Its Tomatometer, the world’s most trusted recommendation resource for quality entertainment, bases its rating on opinions of film and TV critics and represents the percentage of positive reviews by these professionals for any release on cinema or television. It also considers the viewers’ sentiments.
It has two status ratings: ‘Fresh’ for those that are positively reviewed and ‘Rotten’ for those that get bad reviews.
The Tomatometer has favoured Sharan Sharma directorial based on the Kargil War veteran and IAF Flight Lieutenant Gunjan Saxena, with the rare distinction of a 100% Fresh status. While several films are Certified Fresh, hardly any get a 100% rating.
In 2019, Toy Story 4 was Certified Fresh by the Tomatometer with 97% rating, The Irishman with a 96% , Avengers Endgame with 94%, Spider-Man: Far From Home with 90% and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with 85%.
Rotten Tomatoes gives its subscribers a glimpse of all the Fresh reviews of Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl by quoting the some of the top critics both from India and internationally.

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