Aditi Patankar Gupta

From the ramp to the F4 race track, Aditi Patankar-Gupta, excels in this new career passion!

Aditi Patankar-Gupta landed straight from the ramp to the F4 race track and is putting in her heart and soul not just to excel in this new career passion, but also to encourage and motivate other women to take up motorcar sports professionally.

She has joined the team of women at Ahura Racing and is participating in the ongoing JK Tyre FMSCI National Racing Championship. Expressing her opinion about women’s participation in the sports, she said, “It is less and given a chance, promoting and encouraging the sport is what I will continue to do. The experience itself is incredible and it is a fact that women can do extraordinary things in any field they choose to.”

“I am already receiving queries on driving from women and parents of young girls who wish to provide exposure to motorsports,” she added.

Aditi is Mrs India Singapore 2015, founder of Mrs India UK, a pageant coach, and has judged many a fashion shows. She is currently working at the SBM Bank. When asked how did motorcar sports happen, she said, “I took it as a challenge and liking for the sport. Also, something like this was not very much existing earlier for women. I felt I could be one more source to promote motorsport and encourage more women considering my main aim even with pageants.”

Well, she praised her husband, Prashant Gupta, who helps her maintain a balance between the racetrack, the bank, and her home. She said, “The credit undoubtedly goes to my husband and my daughter who is eight, and is loving every bit of my journey and keeps encouraging me to go for it.”  “My son is just a year old and is settling down with the fact that when I am traveling, dad would be there for him as always,” Aditi added.

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