Harshali Zine says, ‘I really don’t like to share the details of the charities I do’!

Regardless of the profession she is in, as a human being #HarshaliZine says that she strongly advocates against the physical and emotional exploitation and mass murder of voiceless species that cannot defend themselves, be it fishes, birds, reptiles, amphibians or mammals. The reason why the actor adopted a vegan lifestyle two years back.

“By being vegan, I also contribute towards other causes such as reducing the environmental impact on Mother Earth, not just greenhouse gases but also global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use. I don’t support anything that involves violence on any sentient beings. I advocate a cause very close to my heart and that is to help eradicate human suffering. Hence, I promote holistic lifestyle,” says the actor known for TV shows, CID, Hitler Didi, web series, BOSS: Baap of Special Services, and Marathi film, Paach Naar Ek Bezaar, among others.

While many opine that when a celebrity supports a cause it gets more attention from the public, Harshali feels it may or may not be that way always.

“Some of the biggest Hollywood celebrities are advocating and endorsing veganism but the masses are not that much influenced. It mainly depends on our individual morals. Killing Animals to satisfy our taste buds, for fashion, etc is legal. That’s why the masses don’t feel it’s wrong. Morally they don’t feel it. Similarly, if a celebrity supports a cause that highlights violence on humans then the masses would relate to it, and their morals would compel them to support the cause,” she explains.

Harshali says that it would cause more of a pain not supporting a cause that you feel for genuinely. “Satisfaction is when someone feels for the cause you are supporting and advocating and trying to instil the same in their lives and leading by example so that the chain of change continues, like the hundredth monkey effect,” she adds.

During the pandemic, all of us went through a tough time. Sharing how she got involved and did her bit, Harshali says, “They say when you know thyself, you know the whole universe and beyond. I invested the time I got during lockdown to analyse and understand the life I lived so far and go deeper in discovering myself which has upgraded every aspect of my life and hence I can now contribute more towards the betterment of society and the surroundings. Monetary contributions to the people in need who reached out to me, I have helped them in my own capacity. I really don’t like to share the details of the charities I do.”