Huma Qureshi says, ‘Adulthood is the worst thing ever’!

#HumaQureshi the versatile actor whose known for her roles in #GangsofWasseypur, #DedhIshqiya and now #Mithya completes a little over a decade in the acting industry in 2022. The actor is astonished how far she has come in the recent years, from big screen blockbusters to popular projects on OTT. In an exclusive interview with IMDb, Huma Qureshi answers some fascinating fan questions!

When asked about what she would say to her 15-year-old self, she said, “Don’t grow up, it is a scam! Just stay fifteen. Adulthood is the worst thing ever. You have to pay your taxes; you have to have your own responsibilities. Freedom is the biggest lie they tell us, don’t grow up!

“2021 taught me patience, strength and a more tact sense of humour about things that could go wrong but you just brush yourself and just move on”, shared when asked upon one thing that the past year taught her.

Huma looks forward to travelling in 2022, she added, “I think none of us have got to really travel, and I would like to travel and go to a nice beachy place and just lie in the sand and swim.”

When asked about her recent release Mithya and what attracted her to that particular genre, she exclaimed, “Exactly that! It is a psychological thriller and I have never attempted this genre, so when the script came to me, I knew I had to do this.

She also recollects watching Black Friday in Delhi and was keen to know the filmmaker. Little did she know it was Anurag Kashyapwho she worked with 2 years later in Gangs of Wasseypur as her debut movie.