Is Valentine's Day for married couples too?

Is Valentine’s Day for married couples too?

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away. While it’s exciting for unmarried couples, the married ones also have their share of fun on this day. But does the celebration change after marriage? Here’s what these celebs had to say about it.

Amit Sarin: Valentine’s Day is special for a lot of reasons, I met my wife on Valentine’s Day and my first child, my daughter Vaeda was born on Valentine’s Day. Because of social media, I feel Valentine’s Day has become more popular and a big marketing strategy. My idea of romance is to be able to hold each other’s hand, walk together, travel together, have meals together, pull each other’s leg and even after 13 years of marriage to often say “I love you”.

Amal Sehrawat: Everyday becomes Valentine’s Day after marriage. But I honestly feel every occasion is a mix of celebration and marketing these days, and this day is no exception. Like a lot of other people, I celebrate this day with my family. For me, romance is silently feeling each other’s emotions, it has always been this way.

Vijayendra Kumeria: My wife and I never went crazy about this day, and it has been the same before and after marriage. Every day is day of love for us and we don’t believe in dedicating just one day for love. I totally agree that it’s a marketing strategy, especially because of social media where couples post cute, loving pictures but then all of a sudden you hear they are no more in a relationship. For me, romance is simply to care for and love someone.

Sharad Malhotra: The idea of romance should not be limited or restricted to just one day of the year. Love should be celebrated throughout the year, each day of life and not just on the 14th of February (Valentine’s day). People have made this day very commercial in the form of Valentine goodies, chocolates, balloons, etc. and there are hardly any emotions left to be felt on this particular day.

Mrunal Jain: Post marriage, celebrating this day becomes important as you have to make sure that life doesn’t become boring after marriage. You need to put more effort to make it more special than it was before marriage. It is still considered as one of the most special days when people go out in the market and shop for their loved ones. Actually, this day has become more relevant because of social media. According to me, Valentine’s Day should be always between two people rather than showing it off to the world. My idea of romance with my partner would be to listen to her and hear what she has to say, spending more time with her, keeping the phone switched off and giving her all my time.

Chandni Soni: Before marriage, I have never celebrated Valentine’s Day because I was into studies and I was very focused but after getting married I have. February 13th is my anniversary and 14th is Valentine’s Day, so it become more special and a double celebration for me. I always get two gifts from my husband and enjoy the day.

Micckie Dudaaney: There is not much of a difference before and after marriage on Valentine’s Day for me because before marriage also I was spending this day with the same girl and now she is my wife. May be the way we celebrate it is different now. Earlier we used to party a lot, but now that we are together every day is a party for us. So we don’t need to celebrate Valentine’s, I know it sounds very cliche, but that’s the truth.

Pallavi Rao: Every day is my Valentine’s Day. I love getting gifts and whenever my husband gets something for me, it becomes a special day. Before marriage the sound of Valentine’s Day was very exciting, and I always wanted someone to gift me something, that’s a different feel altogether. After marriage you are mature, you are settled, you have a mental security, and your Valentine’s Days becomes very secure. It is a very mature Valentine’s, but having said that I wouldn’t mind letting my hair lose and chill at the beach.

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