Jackie Shroff’s short film ‘Paath’ gets selected for BJP-CNASFF!

Renowned actor #JackieShroff continues to make a mark in the film industry with his versatile roles and commitment to addressing social causes. His pro-bono short film titled ‘#Paath,’ has been selected for the prestigious ‘#BharatiyaJanataParty – #ChitrapatNatyaAghadi #ShortFilmFestival’, (BJP-CNASFF). The festival exclusively features movies with strong messages and social causes, and ‘Paath’ is no exception. This thought-provoking drama sheds light on the issue of bride trafficking while also advocating for the empowerment and education of girls through the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” initiative.

‘Paath’ portrays a powerful narrative that sheds light on the disturbing practice of bride trafficking while championing the cause of gender equality and education. By addressing the concept of
the exploitation faced by girls in such situations, the film aims to generate awareness among the masses. Through his portrayal of Kesar, Jackie Shroff brings the character to life, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. The film’s underlying message emphasizes the importance of safeguarding the rights and well-being of young girls and empowering them through education, ultimately inspiring action against the social issue.

In response to the selection, actor Jackie Shroff said, “I am very humbled that this film is selected for the festival. It is so powerful and such a necessity for people to watch. It is films like this that give us actors meaning. I hope the film is received well and I wish us all the best”.

Jackie Shroff’s involvement in the short film ‘Paath’ not only highlights his exceptional acting skills but also showcases his dedication to shedding light on pressing social issues. The film’s selection for the ‘Bharatiya Janata Party – Chitrapat Natya Aghadi Short Film Festival’ is a testament to its powerful narrative and the importance of the message it conveys.