Lizaa Malik

Lizaa Malik sang and danced with the kids of SOCH India

Lizaa Malik went to spend some quality time with the kids of SOCH India in new delhi and it was a gallant time. She played various games with the kids in the lovely NGO and cheered them up. SOCH India works with kids from challenging background and equips them with various skill sets. The kids are from backgrounds where they have had to face major issues due to substance abuse primarily alcoholic by either or both parents. It’s an NGO with a difference and it has been in service for almost at decade now. Lizaa Malik sang songs with the kids and they also danced. The kids had a blast and so did Lizaa.The founder is Mr. Amitabh who himself teaches the children and stays there. Lizaa is planning to celebrate her holi with the kids too.
We got in touch with Lizaa and here is what she has got to say, “Its been an incredible time with the kids. They fill us with so much joy which is our basic human emotion. I forget everything when I am around kids and these kids who are fighting against all tides are such inspiration to me. I have had a lot of challenges in my life and so have these kids just that they are braver. I am giving my heart to them and taking back their love with me with a promise that I would see them soon. I would love to contribute in whatever way possible to these kids. Its my good fortune that I get to spend such a beautiful time with kids.”
Lizaa Malik loves kids and that’s no secret. She has time and again met and helped kids with challenging backgrounds.

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