Meet Betty Cooper aka Khushi Kapoor from Zoya Akhtar’s ‘Archies’!

In the world of showbiz, sometimes reality and fiction intertwine in the most delightful ways. #KhushiKapoor, a name that’s been buzzing in the entertainment scene is gearing up for her debut in #ZoyaAkhtar’s ‘#Archies’ premiering on 7th December, 2023. As she takes on the role of #BettyCooper, the upcoming next generation leading actress spills the beans on the similarities she shares with her on-screen character. As she bridges the gap from reel to real, here is how #KhushiKapoor’s personality resonates with her debut role.

Ever lent a treasured item to a friend, only to see it disappear from your life? Khushi Kapoor knows exactly how you feel. When asked about such a situation, she playfully revealed, “I think Betty and I are pretty similar in this case, so I wouldn’t ask for it.” And here’s the kicker, Khushi casually added, “I’d probably go out and buy a new one, though.” A familiar scenario we’ve all encountered, portraying the blend of Betty’s carefree attitude and Khushi’s practical approach.

Late nights and curfews are a classic teenage struggle. But guess what? Khushi and Betty seem to be on the same wavelength here too. While Betty would whip up an apology cake, Khushi opts to send a heartfelt apology text to her dad. Isn’t that so sweet?

Another aspect of resemblance between the two is how they maintain their friendships. Khushi Kapoor manages her friendships with loyalty and understanding, just like Betty would.

As Zoya Akhtar’s ‘Archies’ prepares to make its grand entrance, Khushi’s portrayal is a testament to how seamlessly she slips into Betty’s shoes because they’re already so well-aligned. So, mark your calendars for December 7th, and get ready for a heartwarming blend of reality and fiction.