Miss Bulgaria 2019 Margo Cooper feels very strongly about helping underprivileged children around the world!

On #InternationalChildrensDay,
#MissBulgaria2019MargoCooper says, “Even one saved child’s life is someone’s chance for a brighter future”.

Miss Bulgaria 2019 Margo Cooper feels very strongly about helping underprivileged children around the world. On the occasion of International Children’s Day, Margo says that all adults must take this cause seriously.

“I think we, as adults, should understand that there is no child in the world who should not have access to care, accessibility to education and their rights. Unfortunately, millions of children nowadays are suffering. We have failed in this regard. As long as we have the children of war, child labour, children’s trafficking and forced children’s marriages. For millions of children, there is no one who is providing the basic care besides some non-profit organizations. Each one of us should do something about that and not wait for someone else to do it, sometimes there is no one to even do anything. Even one saved child’s life is someone’s chance for a brighter future,” she says.

Margo says that problems need to be solved at root. “Nowadays, there are a lot of opportunities to support less fortunate children, to provide them safety, medical care, education and give them a chance to have their childhood. I’m trying to help in any way I can, via organizations that are making efforts to take care of children, to save them from unfortunate circumstances and provide them with education. The root cause of all these problems, very often, is poverty. A kid simply can’t go to a school because there is no school in his area and very often children’s basic needs are not met. What can be done, as the first thing that is focused on is providing food and care supplements to the family. But poverty should also be dealt with and a child must have access to education. Provisions should be made so that adults don’t force their children to work for hours to support their families. Every child deserves to have a childhood,” she says.

She adds, “The main factor is the environment the child is in, which should remain safe, poverty which is behind most of the children’s issues and accessibility to all the necessities. We, as adults, are completely responsible for children’s rights in the world. Every person can do something about that.”