On usage of computers, Mandakini Dwivedi says, “Over time, what used to take three hours to write now only takes one”!

In the past, writers crafted their thoughts with pen and paper, a tradition that evolved as technology advanced. Computers, followed by laptops, phones, and tablets, became the new medium for writing. Change is gradual; some adapted swiftly, while others, particularly in the heartland of India, took their time, catching up gradually. As we celebrate World Computer Literacy Day on December 2nd, a global observance dedicated to promoting digital skills, writer Mandakini Dwivedi from Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, shares her journey into the world of computers and its transformative impact.

Mandakini, a talented writer from Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, joined Pocket FM during the Covid-19 pandemic. Formerly a teacher and counselor in a government organization, fate led her to take a chance on life by joining the global audio series platform. While she used to write with pen and paper in her early writing days, joining Pocket FM introduced her to the world of computer writing.

Reflecting on this shift, Mandakini said, “I’m new to writing stories on the computer. I did write in a diary before. It’s a bit different; the computer feels a bit heavy. I was excited to learn but also a bit scared. I wondered, ‘Can I do this? Can I make a living?’ Tasks that took one hour with a pen now take three on the computer. There were moments of doubt, but I believed in myself. It was a chance to try something new without spending money. I left my city and kept writing. It took time, but eventually, my computer became faster than using a pen.”

Acknowledging the challenges in the transition, Mandakini shared, “Suddenly, everything changed with the first computer screen. I didn’t spend much time, and my eyes hurt from staring at the computer all day. There were health problems and changes in my writing style. Change is tough; it starts in the gut. But I made it a habit to ignore problems and focus on writing. That’s where I found my challenge. Over time, what used to take three hours to write now only takes one. This victory is big for me because I write just for a day.”

In a message for those hesitant to adopt technology, Mandakini expressed, “We’re in the age of technology, especially AI. If you don’t adapt and update and stay relevant, changing trends and time will leave you behind. Embrace the paperless trend because social media and technology are everywhere. If you’re not creatively inclined, social media is there at your disposal. But if you want a new identity, you have to become tech-savvy. It’s the computer age, and being tech-savvy is the way to go.”

Mandakini has penned the successful audio series ‘Amrapali’ for Pocket FM, and when asked about listeners’ response, she mentioned, “Even today, listeners comment for Amrapali, saying she should continue. Even after the show ends, both new and old listeners keep sharing positive feedback and comments. They’re eagerly waiting for the next season of Amrapali Nemzhu. It has given the series a new identity, and I never expected this much love from people after the show ended. Reading those happy comments makes all the worries and fatigue in the day disappear.”

For over 1.5 years, Mandakini has been crafting engaging content, particularly in the genres of thrillers and dramas, amassing a devoted following.