Portraying serious and charming characters are on Prateik Chaudhary’s wish list!

Being comfortable in whatever you are wearing, smelling good and maintaining hygiene are the major factors that defines one’s style opines #PrateikChaudhary. Now that his last show #ParamavtarShriKrishna is over, Prateik Chaudhary is keen on exploring new genres. He is looking for substantial roles that would allow him to use his expertise and showcase his talent a little more. “After my last show, I now want to be a part of something very different. Portraying serious and charming characters are on my wish list. Being able to play a character that is good, rugged, intense… all in one, a character that has many shades would definitely be my dream role,” says the actor, who is in talks for a few things.

He is very particular about what work he picks up. “I cannot compromise when it’s comes to my work. So yes I choose my script wisely, only when I get the good vibe, like the story and the character that I say yes to the project,” he explains.

Not just about his roles, Prateik is also particular about his style. “I just feel one should be comfortable with whatever they are wearing. If you’re comfortable, everything looks good on you. And of course smelling good and maintaining hygiene and cleanliness are the major factors one should never miss,” he adds.

During his modelling days, the actor learnt a lot about fashion. He was new into the field when he decided to move to acting. And his last experience has helped him in maintaining himself well.

“I do get compliments for my hair style. I like keeping my hair a little raw and casual because I think it really suits me and people like it,” he says.

About outfits and accessories from his wardrobe that he absolutely loves, Prateik adds, “Zara white shirt , Zara black shirt, Zara leather jacket, Zara jeans and of course Zara perfumes and accessories. I have a few Zara bracelets. I am actually a Zara fan. I also love my Gshock watches and my Ray Ban classic shades.”

During the lockdown when there were travel restrictions, the actor was mostly in his “tracks, shorts, and vest”, be it when he did his workout or while cooking.

As soon as he can, the actor wants to go on a proper vacation. The places on his travel wish list includes, “I’m a big fan of the winter season, so places like Ladakh, Kashmir, and places like these where I can feel the cold more and get those cozy vibes I would like to go there. I am a big foodie too so places in the north where I’ll get good food, I would really love to explore them as well. As far as packing my bags for these trips are concerned, I am will take comfortable clothes, my glasses and a good camera.”