PR consultant Prashant Golecha says, “We don’t consider anyone our competition”!
How has the role of PR evolved in 2024 compared to previous years? What major trends are shaping public relations this year?
PR is ever-evolving. From print to video, online and social media, everything is coexisting. I feel instant information flow is the order of the day. It’s like fast food culture, but some stability is needed in the way the industry functions.
How do you incorporate social media into your PR strategies, especially with the rise of short-form content like reels and shorts?
PR has to be customized as per the client’s requirements. The client needs to be educated and informed about how the media operates. Actors have a lot of misconceptions about PR. A strategy needs to be customized as per the personality, and it has to be made relevant as per the profile potential and realities.
How do you prepare for and manage a PR crisis?
We first understand the situation, evaluate the pros and cons of the strategy, and then take immediate action through releases. Client has to be constantly updated, guided and explained what is being done and why.
How has the relationship between PR professionals and journalists changed in the last year?
Most of them are fast-paced workers but are multitaskers too. We have to give them leverage and vice versa. The pressure of competition, breaking news, and interviews of A-listers is there all the time. There are some genuine journalists who suffer because of so-called influencer culture. Influencer types do shoshebazi, which ironically is accepted by a lot of actors because of the influencer’s brand value. Everyone wants to give an interview to someone who is impactful on social media, but his or her nature or personality is immaterial. Quick, short-term gains are what many celebs fall for.
What challenges do you face in pitching to traditional media outlets versus digital or social media platforms? What is the most rewarding aspect of working in public relations today?
You surely feel good when your hard work makes a difference in someone’s career. The positive side is managing a wide variety of personalities. You end up increasing your patience and maturity too in the process. Social media is for us, and we are not for social media. There was a time when we used to crave watching the sex appeal of actors on the big screen, say, for example, #UrmilaMatondkar in Rangeela or #ManishaKoirala in 1942: A Love Story, but now some actors are going all out on social media. The novelty factor is missing because of the instant access. No one cares how much is too much. They feel everyone is doing it, so I should do it too.
How do you handle the situation when a loyal client leaves you?
Not one but three clients left us in 2024, and I surely take it in my stride. What can you do when people imagine things and believe only what they want to? I have stopped reacting, and my mindset is that leaving us is their loss, not ours. Who were or are meant to be part of our career journey will stay. True and honest people don’t need to explain or defend themselves unnecessarily all the time. I am a workaholic, and that is inevitably visible in my work, attitude, personality, and way of functioning. Honestly it is their loss totally, as we are the best when it comes to work. It’s not arrogance; it’s just knowing our own worth. Even the best of so-called good people have shown their immature side by getting carried away with rubbish planted about me and proving that they don’t even have common sense, let alone rationalised objectivity. Irony is they believed what was told just because they wanted to or wanted to imagine things out of their own frustrations.
We as a team bring certain positivity and objectivity, and we are very straightforward and not a yes man to pamper a client’s ego. We try to be their friend, philosopher, and guide and educate them and stand for what is right. Whosoever has worked with us has flourished.
Do you have any industry friends?
I don’t have any friends. I don’t believe in friendships. Friendship is an illusion. People say something, imagine something else, and do something else. I don’t fit into any friendship format. I am too obsessed with my work to have time or inclination for any friendships. Everyone is fighting their own battles, and it is foolish to expect from people who don’t even have clarity and consistency in their relationships. Trust is the base of any personal as well as professional relationship. Actors who claim that if they keep someone in their heart, they keep them there forever, are the biggest fakes.
In which industry you don’t find weed-like clients or you don’t feel bitter about certain happenings, but you have to be graceful and mature. One has to let go or overlook so many happenings. I have always believed ‘raat gayi, baat gayi,’ so I have no grievances against anyone. To be affected by people with bad vibes is giving them too much importance. Frankly, we are that PR team that needs to be deserved. People who left us didn’t deserve the best, I guess.
Which are the relationships that have stood the test of time and circumstances?
#ArjunBijlani, #EijazKhan, #ShivinNarang, #SumbulTouqeerKhan, #RajeshKumar, #NiveditaBasu, #AdaaKhan, #DelnaazIrani, #RaviDubey, #SharadMalhotra, #AniruddhDave, #ShivangiVerma, #HimanshuMalhotra, #FlorianHurel and Producer #RajanShahi, #PrateekSharma and #ParthShah, #BinaiferrKohli trust our professionalism and value us. Sense of professionalism and basics of these people are perfect at human level and that reflects in the way they function. We love to go extra mile for all of them as these associations have been long term and they are all very real, honest and are good humans.
What do you have to say about the competition?
Firstly, there is space for everyone, and there is enough work in the industry. Secondly, we mind our own business and are focused on what we have. We are the best and work with the best intentions. We don’t consider anyone our competition. ‘Jo prapt hai paryapt hai’. Like-minded people attract each other. We attract people who are serious about their careers and are good human beings too. We don’t judge anyone and take work by gut feeling. Few mediocre PRs call us old-fashioned PR, gossipy PR, and what not behind our back, and that is why they are behind our back. If we were not the best, why do we have the goodwill and the best reputation and the best clients?
Any suggestions for actors who want to hire you?
Don’t involve your manager or family members in your professional/personal PR. When you have come to the best, trust them with all honesty. If you have come to an expert, trust their expertise. It takes time to build a profile. Durable fame and goodwill is not a two-minute Maggi. Be a good human being and don’t change with popularity or success. The more honest and cooperative you are with your PR team, the better the result will be. We are real people and do and deliver what we say. If you are obsessed with your career or are ambitious then we are the best for you. Please have good relationship with Money. Money is energy. It is to be given with right attitude and love. Spending on PR is investment not expenditure.
What advice would you give to someone who’s just starting a career in PR?
Think twice if you are willing to work 24/7 like an addiction. Focus on yourself and your work. It is your heart that needs to be glamorous, and don’t get fooled by outer glamour or the social media of actors. Actors are as normal as anyone else, but their perception value makes them different.
You are fond of philosophy and shayari. Share a few lines you believe in.
Outside friendships don’t suit everyone, so choose to be your own best friend.
Baduao ka Zbaan se Nikalna Zaroori Toh Nahi, Agar Kissi ki Ruh Tadapti Hai aapki Wajah Se Toh aapka aane wala kal bhi acha nahi hoga!
Kehthe hai jab baat izzat pe aa jaye toh saamne dosti ho ya mohabaat chod deni chhaiye , kehte hai na ek sher hai khud pe waar ke pheke hai aise waise bahut, mera gurroor salamat rahe tere jaise bahut!
Be kind to people even if they are being mean, rude, and selfish to you, because eventually it won’t be between you and them, but between you and supreme power.
As you sow, so will reap. If you leave good people or forget good people who supported you when you were struggling or were nobody or in your hard times, the Universe will ask you for an explanation.
You are known by the company you keep. Who represents you, who you mingle with matters.
If you don’t leave your past in the past, it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away
Karma justice happens in this lifetime only gone are the days when you had to wait for the next birth.
Never keep any money due of anyone because if you do, it will happen with you ten times more in this life time only especially when you least expect it..
Be kind to people even if they are being mean, rude, and selfish to you, because eventually it won’t be between you and them, but between you and supreme power.
By Keerti Kadam