Ranaksh Rana says that positive vibe and mindset has been the key to growth!

#RanakshRana feels spirituality means different things to different people. For the actor, it is about being honest to one’s existence. “Whether it’s about knowing yourself, being honest with people around you or living your life minus pretence, spirituality is about a lot of things. Good deeds and good intentions and whatever helps you do that are also important,” he continues to talk about his idea of God, “I believe in energy and the law of attraction. Whatever you spend time thinking about, good or bad, will happen to you. Even if you are thinking ‘this should not happen’, the universe just knows you are spending energy thinking about something and makes it happen.”

The actor says that “positive vibe and mindset has been the key to growth”. He adds, “I strongly believe that life is all about transactions. If nature has taught us this, how can we forget it and expect good things if we do or think about bad things? Not just actions but your intentions should also be pure. There has to be a basic trust in humanity. Those who don’t trust, always find excuses. It should be a journey within.”

Ranaksh started believing in higher power when he started unlocking his mental strength. “When I started seeing how the law of attraction plays out in real life again and again, I felt spirituality. Eventually, I learnt that our thoughts are the beginning of our fate and it is on us to keep the spirits positive,” he says.

The actor prays daily. “I just pray in my own words as the Sanskrit shloka taught us – Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Bhavantu Niraamaya. That everyone should be happy, healthy and those who are lost, should find their way and sanity. I am at peace when people around me are at peace. And my philosophy of life is to continue with this journey,” he shares his thoughts.

Ranaksh follows Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. “I believe that it is not a Hindu philosophy. It is for humanity in general. There is a reason why it is called Manav Matra Shastra meaning for the entire mankind. Gita has taught me that all the battles are inside our head and that if our deeds should be good, results follow. I have been practicing the teachings of Gita since childhood, but lately I have been also following Sadhguru. I like the way he gives different perspectives to different things in life,” he adds.

Pandemic has made the world compassionate and spiritual. “I’ve always been grateful for the support I’ve received during my difficult times and I have tried to do my part whenever possible. I just continued doing that during the pandemic as well. Covid did bust a lot of myths in our lives and brought us together. It has made us more humble,” he says.

Talking about his idea of peace and happiness, Ranaksh adds, “Peace comes from within. Peace doesn’t mean being quiet, but being in control of your mind. It’s a state of happiness that can never be disrupted. Like in the movie Kung Fu Panda 2, Po finds inner peace by accepting things. To realise that problem is a part of life, and that life as a whole has to be accepted, makes things easy and peaceful. When you become grateful about the fact that you are alive, start taking every moment as a gift, you feel happier. Even simple things can make us happy. If you can bring a smile to one person’s face, your happiness will double.”