“Rejection in digital space is unforgiving”, observes digital content creator Rohit Gupta!

As much as we love to watch our favorite creators create funny, witty, and sassy content for their audience, digital space can be challenging and tricky. “When you go to watch a movie, you buy a ticket knowing that you will sit for three hours. Even if you don’t like what to see, you still sit. But, if you are scrolling through your phone and a piece of content gauges your interest, you stop. However if it lacks entertainment, consistency, and content, you have a choice to shut it and move on. Rejection in digital space is unforgiving. If you don’t match up to the expectation of your viewers, you are just a tap away from rejection” says Rohit Gupta

Since his first video till now, Rohit’s graph has been on an exceptional rise. He is one of those very few creators with a ratio of 90-10 where 90% of his viewers are his ardent followers and 10% are guests.

He grows with each video and swears to entertain his audience with premium content.