Review : Scam 2003 The Telgi Story excels in all the departments!

In the era of #Biopics, one more lands with a bang. #HansalMehta brought #Scam1992, #TheHarshadMehtaStory, which, a story of one of the biggest scamsters in India, Harsha Mehta. Harsha Mehta was responsible for an upheaval in #BombayStockExcange which impacted Indian economy too. Best part was the story was presented without any prejudice or glorification. In the same Scam series, Hansel Mehta has brought another scam story which impacted financial and political world. #Scam2003, #TheTelgiStory, is directed by #TusharHiranandani and it’s meticulously researched and written. The first 5 episodes are out and they are extremely gripping.

Nineties’ Stamp Paper scam was shocking for many, because quite a few big names from politics were allegedly involved in it through main scamstar Abdul Karim Telgi. The opening scene is impressive which depicts the gift of the gab of the central character Telgi (Gagan Dec Riar). The superb writing and clap worthy dialogues are highlight of the series and bring Telgi’s character in the limelight. Karnataka boy Telgi, who is selling fruits in a train, gets an invitation from one of the passengers (Talat Aziz) to visit Mumbai. Telgi reaches Mumbai and helps him further his business and marries his beautiful daughter Nafisa (Sana Amin Shaikh). But despite having reasonably good life Abdul aspires to create wealth and through that power. After indulging in bogus stamp paper ‘business’ he graduates to deal in the illegal stamp paper business, involving government officials, police personnel and even powerful political people. In the initial 5 episodes the director has elevated the satiation point of audiences. In short the projects is finely handled by the director.

Gagan Dev Riar is stupendously fantastic. He has studies the character in depth and his characterisation is simply superb. Full marks to the casting director. Gagan had put on around 18-20 kgs to make justice to the character and looks the character. He has presented finer nuances of the character with ease. Sana Amin Shaikh, Talat Aziz, Shashak Ketkar, Nikhil Ratnaparkhi, Bharat Jadhav, Bhavna Balsavar, Sameer Dharmadhikari raise the visibility quotient with their fine performances despite limited screen time. The theme music of Scam 1992 is used in Scam 2003 too which adds to the mysticism.

Scam 2003 The Telgi Story is a must watch as it excels in all the departments.

Rating : ****