Review : Shiv Shakti Balboa : Thoroughly enjoyable family watch!

For most of us life ends after retirement. But in actuality it’s the beginning of a new chapter, says #AnupamKher in ‘#ShivShaktiBalboa’. No doubt, psychologically many get a feeling that they are unwanted and should live the life as per their children’s wishes after retirement. During working phase majority of people can not pursue their hobbies and after retirement they feel, it’s too late now. But to dream and to bring it to reality has no age bar. The similar philosophy is the backbone of the story of Anupam Kher and #NeenaGupta starrer Shiv Shakti Balboa. The director has used Balboa in title from #SylvesterStallone’s name Rocky Balboa from a boxing based movie Rocky.

The protagonist in Shiv Shakti Balboa, Shiv Shakti (Anupam Kher) is a die hard fan of the Hollywood blockbuster film Rocky and is inspired by the lead character’s philosophy from the film which he uses in real life. He is a founder of the local Rocky Boxing Club in Madhya Pradesh, though he has never been in a boxing ring. After retiring from a bank job he permanently shifts to Ohio, MidWest of USA, to spend rest of the life with his only son Dr Rahul Shastri (Jugal Hansraj) who lives their with his wife and two children. Actually Shiv Shakti’s dream is to visit Philadelphia and shoot a selfie video on the ‘Rocky Steps’ for an Indian television interview. But his son tells him that that is the last priority for him, right now. Disillusioned, he starts killing his time with little chores like taking his grandchild to the school van and taking the dog Casper whom he fondly refers to as Capsule, for a walk and poop. During his errands he stumbles upon an Indian lady, Elsa Zacharia (Neena Gupta) who is a house help in the neighbourhood. They bond over Pakodas and Chai and she tells him to help her get out of the clutches of her employers as they keep exploiting her. The story takes us to the adventures of these two elderly character across USA which form the crux of the story.

Director and writer Ajayan Venugopalan has kept the narrative simple yet effective. He has shown Shiv and Elsa’s adventures, though crazy, in a believable fashion. Even the bike gang scenes are used to portray the racism prevalent the country. The 132 minute runtime is justified and the director and the artists keep viewers delighted through their escapades. The screenplay is cleverly knit and dialogues are infused with humour. The production values are high and cinematography (Joshua Osley and Birendra Menon) is excellent. Anupam Kher has done complete justice to the titular role and proves that to entertain the lead actor doesn’t require six packs or heavy dose action or dance numbers. He keeps viewers entertained throughout the film with his range of acting. Neena Gupta portrays her Hyderabadi character with poise and ease. She aces her role with variety of emotions and humour. Keeping them company is Sharib Hashmi who effortlessly plays a character of a wannabe Punjabi singer. Nargis Fakri looks good though slightly overweight. Jugal Handraj plays his character equally well and it’s a delight to watch him after a long time.

Shiv Shakti Balboa is a well made movie which thoroughly entertains which can be enjoyed with an entire family.
