Richa Chadha shares her thoughts on World Earth Day

With the onslaught of Covid 19 pandemic world population is staying indoors and that is helping nature in a way. Quality of water in the rivers, air in the cities have been improved. On Earth Day, Richa Chadha made a video encapsulating a few things we can all practice to make a difference to nature. The video was simple and easy to understand for her fans of all ages. Admittedly, she’s vegan because of the damage caused to the environment by large scale meat production. Here’s hoping everyone can take a cue and learn to make basic changes to their lifestyles, so that the benefits of nature we’re enjoying during this lockdown, can extend even when everyone gets back to work.

Richa’s minute-long video explains simple tips and tricks to help save the earth. It’s not always about the larger things, small changes and differences can start at home. Her tips are easy to follow varying from making a small space to grow own basic produce like herbs at home or using recycled bottles of water instead of plastic or even avoid running tap water during brushing or segregating one’s home waste or using kitchen scraps as compost for plants.

Richa says on her social media, “Made a video today for earth day. These things are simple enough even for a 6-year-old but sometimes we tend to forget even the basics that can help contribute. While everyone is busy sharing videos and images of peacocks on roads, dolphins in the sea, clear blue skies. We shouldn’t forget that nature is healing and we must not get back to our old ways when the lockdown is relaxed”.

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