Rudr Kanth plays Shabir Ibrahim in RGV’s ‘D- COMPANY’

Rudr Kanth has been an avid believer of quality over quantity . Blame his passion for acting or his appealing looks that he bagged the role of Shabir Ibrahim after his real life brother Ashwat who is playing Dawood Ibrahim in this movie suggested him to audition for the role of Saabir Ibrahim . Multiple auditions were made post getting  the gist of Shabir’s character and finally the look of us two brothers in a photo was the game changer to bag the role .

“Ram Gopal Varma is a visionary. Working with him is like going to a Gurukul. I have always been a fan of his work, now working with him feels unreal” says Rudr.

He insists that his decision to be part of this film was not a flash-in-the-pan decision, it was the character and the script that convinced him to be a part of the film.

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