Saiyami Kher rues about little space for cyclists to ride safely!

#SaiyamiKher, acclaimed actor and avid #cyclist, voices her concerns regarding the safety of cyclists in Mumbai amidst the city’s ongoing infrastructure development. Reflecting on the increasing hazards faced by cyclists, Saiyami highlights the challenges posed by the narrowing of roads due to the construction of metro tracks, flyovers, and coastal roads, leaving little space for cyclists to ride safely.

In light of recent incidents, including the tragic death of a cyclist by a speeding car in Navi Mumbai, Saiyami emphasizes the urgent need for measures to ensure the safety of cyclists on Mumbai’s roads. She states, “Cycling in Mumbai has become increasingly unsafe because pretty much the whole city is dug up. The recent incidents, including the loss of lives, highlight the urgent need for action to address the safety concerns of cyclists. It’s really sad that just going out for a run or cycling in this city can be life threatening. I have running marathons for over a decade and the air quality in our city is so harmful that it’s better to only run indoors. As a citizen besides planting trees in my small capacity I don’t know what else to do. And I really only hope this city becomes for fitness friendly.

As a cyclist herself, Saiyami Kher emphasizes the importance of wearing safety gear and taking precautions while cycling. However, she stresses that additional safety measures, such as the creation of dedicated cycling lanes, are essential to prevent further accidents and tragedies.

On behalf of fellow cyclists, Saiyami Kher calls upon the concerned authorities to prioritize the establishment of safe cycling infrastructure in Mumbai. She urges the authorities to create dedicated cycling lanes and safe corridors, ensuring the safety of cyclists and promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation.

As Mumbai continues to evolve and develop, Saiyami Kher advocates for the integration of cycling infrastructure into urban planning efforts, creating a safer and more inclusive environment for cyclists and commuters alike.