Sharad Kelkar is an accidental producer with “Idak”, WTP on Zee Talkies

After being a successful actor and writer in films as well as TV shows, Sharad Kelkar recently added another feather to his hat. He debuted as a producer with a Marathi film titled Idak. The story is about a 32-year-old man, Namya, who goes on a pilgrimage and is asked by his mother to sacrifice a goat. The narrative sees the mother-son relationship and how it evolves during the journey. Directed by Deepak Gawade, the movie stars Sandeep Phatak and Usha Naik in the leading roles. Talking about what made him take up production, Sharad says, “I’ve always been in love with good storytelling. The idea behind becoming a producer is to come up with impactful stories.” Zee Talkies will premiere this movie on Sunday 13th September at 12 noon and 6 PM.

The film was promoted by the Maharashtra state government, was also screened twice at the Cannes Film Market. Delighted that Marathi films are going places, Sharad says, “Cannes was a brilliant opportunity for us to showcase our film and it is inspiring to see that now our government too, is supporting Marathi cinema. They, too, realise that we have good content and Marathi films are getting their worth.”

Sharad says production happened by accident. ‘I am an accidental producer’, says Sharad. Director Deepak Gawde met him with the script and Sharad loved the story of a man and his goat so much that he decided to produce it on the spot.

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