Shipra Arora

Shipra Arora explains ‘What Is Anxiety’

Shipra Arora’s short film, What is Anxiety, which can be viewed on her YouTube Channel Content Ka Keeda, was challenging. The producer has also written the film and admits to going through a low phase while working on it.
“I got anxiety while writing the short film. Thankfully, I have never experienced mental health issues. Of course, we humans always experience insecurities. We all go through ups and downs of emotions. Also, the lockdown affected many people. So many of my friends, including myself, was feeling low. Hence, I decided to write a short film on anxiety.
Not having much knowledge about the subject, I was really scared. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I wanted it to be perfect. So I did a lot of research. I watched many movies on the same subject. Talked to many friends of mine who have been kind enough to share their feelings with me. But then I guess, the universe wanted me to go through anxiety before I wrote about it!,” she says, adding, “This script took me a month to write. I had many fights with my brother, Shivankar while writing. We were at loggerheads. I went through uncomfortable emotions. I was at my lowest point and for the first time in my life, I felt alone. It was scary but I guess if I wouldn’t have gone through this, I wouldn’t have been able to write the script. It’s my favorite movie on my channel Content ka Keeda.”
In fact, Shipra belives that it isn’t possible to write about anything without feeling it. “I feel one can’t write if it’s isn’t coming from the heart. I believe writing comes from the soul. I wouldn’t speak for others, we all use different tools to write. But for me, the subject I am writing about affects my mood in a big way,” she says.
Meanwhile, Shipra urges people to talk about their mental issues openly. “If we meet with an accident, we are not scared to mention it. We go straight to the hospital, we tell everyone about it. But we are so afraid to mention mental health issues. We need to be open about it. Please seek help! Share your feelings. Don’t be afraid to share about mental health problems,” she says.

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