Ashish Johri

Spirituality filters Ashish Johri’s body and mind!

For producer Ashish Johri spirituality is a way of life. It filters his body and mind. He believes in God and praying to the almighty. Johri is into meditation. He believes when you meditate, you into a different state of consciousness that makes you understand who you really are and also answers several worldly worries.

“I am a God believer, but humanity matters a lot to me. We humans are meant to take care of the planet and of each other. I also believe acts of kindness. Many a times when I feel I am losing something, some power pulls me up. It makes me stand on my feet again and drives me to fight again. That for me is spirituality,” he says.

“I listen to spiritual leaders and try to apply certain things they say. I believe in one God, the supreme almighty. Don’t believe in giving it any name. All Gods are same, all religion are same. Every religion teaches us to be good and do well to others. Here I would also like to mention that this pandemic too has taught me a few things. It gave me time to introspect that I had forgot to do amid the fast paced life that I have been living like many others around me,” he shares.

Johri’s philosophy of like is “live and love”. He continues, “I want peace and well being of every living being on the planet. I just hope happiness becomes a universal emotion soon after so much that we all have been dealing with amid this pandemic.

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